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Planning Consultancy

         At CO2 we understand that achieving planning permission is more than just complying with policy. Our tailored approach allows us to offer you the right mix of expertise to make sure your applications and strategic promotions are well considered and effectively presented. With our comprehensive understanding of planning policy and procedures, along with excellent working knowledge of how local authorities operate, we can provide you with a successful outcome. We have strong links with local planning authorities and a network of related professionals, including archaeologists, highway engineers, environmental and ecological consultants, landscaping experts, building and quantity surveyors and property management.



Why Us?


We are experienced in all aspects of planning regulations and guidelines in Wales and England, be it large or small scale, This experience also includes the Welsh Government's new pre-planning consultation requirements on larger scale housing and commercial developments.


We work across a number of project areas including rural development, 

conservation and listed buildings, residential, commercial, industrial, education, retail and leisure. Our services include the preparation of all forms of land use and development appraisals, the submission and management of a range of planning applications and certificates of lawfulness, the defence of enforcement actions and the promotion of land and property through the Local Development Framework system. 



Our services include:

  • Site appraisal

  • Local plan promotion/monitoring

  • Planning applications

  • Planning appeals

  • Advice on Section 106 and the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)

  • Environmental Impact Assessments

  • Retail and Town Centre Assessments

  • Viability advice



For more information please contact us

Core Services



We produce, co-ordinate, manage and negotiate a wide variety of outline, full, reserved matters, Conservation Area and listed building applications, and variations/removal of conditions.

These range from small scale householder applications to major schemes.

We produce planning statements, design and access statements, townscape assessments and statements of community involvements.



We produce planning and development appraisals which assess development potential, land use planning and planning policy issues. We also undertake renewal applications, minor modifications and non-material modifications to applications



We submit and manage written representations, informal hearings and Public Inquiry appeals. These cover a range of planning applications and enforcement cases.



We produce and assist with the production of a range of Masterplans, and design and development briefs.


Feasibility studies

We can help to determine the viability of an idea, ensuring a project is legally and technically feasible as well as economically justifiable

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